This Tea is CANCELLED: The COVID Series


Like many artists (heck, like most people in the world!), I was stricken with gloom and creative paralysis in the first months of the pandemic. But as an art historian and the maker of glass and mixed media sculptural still lifes, which seek to represent our world through the depiction of food and its social consumption, I eventually realized that I couldn’t ignore this opportunity to document the unprecedented disruptions that were happening all around me. In the end, this series proved a life-saving diversion during the worst of the lockdown, and I hope that these “all about COVID” pieces will provoke a communal catharsis from the disappointment, fear and tragedy we have all experienced these past two years – and maybe even a smile or two. And just to show that there is hope: all the pandemic-specific aspects of these works (caution tape, masks, etc.) are removable. This will end some day….

Click any image to learn more.

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© Janet Panabaker 2021       follow me on Instagram!