This is the title piece for the series and the one that started it all. (It was also chosen as the catalogue cover work for the recent exhibit Confined at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery.) Initially this was a distraction in the first months of the lockdown, intended as a rather frivolous (albeit technically and creatively challenging) representation of all the delights of an afternoon tea. But then, the tea party I was planning with my nieces in April of 2020 was postponed, and postponed, and finally cancelled, and frivolity pivoted to bitterness. With the addition of the glass caution tape, my first COVID piece was born. Sadly, the lovely little tea shop in Dundas where we were supposed to meet didn’t make it through the pandemic, so when we do finally revisit that afternoon tea date, we’ll have to go somewhere else.
Kiln-formed and cold-worked glass, found tray. 50 cm high x 45 cm diam., 2021.